This is where I keep my pictures. I may or may not write a blurb about each album, and I'll try to add some details about the film and camera I used - mostly for future reference.
Also, fuck instagram.
📷 McDonald's Concord 110
🎞️ Degraded 110 film already inside the camera
I thrifted two McDonald's Concord 110 cameras mostly because they were yellow and pink. They each came with one roll of 110 film, so I popped those in and took them to a cottage trip with my roommates.
Most of the pictures ended up being totally black/blue exposures. Best guess is that the film degraded and became less sensitive, making the images really dark. I've only included the one's that actually show something.
There is also a yellow border to the pictures I can only assume come from the camera being a shitty McDonald's toy. I am currently using the same camera with brand new Lomography 110 so if the problem is the film I guess I'll find out. That being said, I think the yellow looks nice with the mostly blue pictures!
📷 Konica EE-Matic Deluxe
🎞️ 35mm Kodak Ultra Max 400
📷 Konica EE-Matic Deluxe
🎞️ 35mm Kodak Ultra Max 400
Took these right as I was dealing with some visa issues. Taking these pictues is what got me curious about film photography.
Most of the ones from this roll ended up being out of focus cause the rangefinder on my camera has a loose mirror, which I didn't know about when I started using it. Later on I figured I could shake the camera until the mirror got into place before I took the picture.